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Monday, May 20, 2019

Dadaroma Dendrobium Review

Dadaroma is a band that is making headway in the visual kei scene.  Forming in 2014, they have developed an image of a dark circus band over the years with songs and music videos like Risely Circus,  The Kinky, and their latest single, Dendrobium.  The singer portrays himself as a dark, scary looking clown and their music sounds like a combo metal and carnival music.  Giving them, one of the more unique styles in visual kei.

The main intro to this song is pretty cool, the guitar in the intro  is a great way to get you hooked into the song.  The verse takes a little more of a darker feel, with the mysterious sounding vocals coming in to play.  This leads into a heavy pre chorus that makes you think you in for a big chorus.  However, this is where the songs gets weak for me.  They have this big build up that makes you think your in for a loud, big chorus and instead they drop the energy in the chorus.  It doesn't sound bad, but the way the energy drops hurts the chorus for me.  I do like the way the bridge plays out though.  The vocals sound great in that section and the combination of eerie music and heavy guitar sounds pretty cool.  Overall, the music is solid, but not great, certainly not the best this band has done in my opinion.

The lyrics in this song kinda play out like a love song. It seems like the message is about love being more of a necessity of life rather then a feeling.  This would make sense, because the title of the song, Dendrobium, is a flower that is attached to trees and needs trees to survive and when they bloom it is beautiful.  I have heard some people say that the song is actually about wanting sex but no relationship.  Given some of the bands other songs, I can see why people would interpret that but I don't think that is the case with this song.  The lyrics do flow pretty well but they are repetitive at times.  For example, the entire bridge is just one line being repeated, "She's a girl who wants real love song".  It is sung differently so it doesn't sound overly repetitive but I would of added one more line to the bridge.  Overall though, the lyrics work well.

The intro and verses to the song are great but the lower energy chorus hurts the song a little bit.  The lyrics are a little repetitive, but the flow is good and message is very interesting.  While I don't think it is this band's best song, I do enjoy listening to it and recommend checking it out.   I give Dendrobium a 3.5 out of 5.  

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